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Vancouver –
the hive heights
(604) 874 2400 | Booking Required to climb
The Hive Heights | Roped Climbing Gym
The Hive Heights Climbing Gym
The Hive Heights
Hours of Operation
9:00 AM–11:00 PM
2:00 PM–11:00 PM
9:00 AM–11:00 PM
10:00 AM– 10:00 PM
Members Only
12 pm – 11 pm
Booking Required
12 pm – 11 pm
Booking Required
12 pm – 11 pm
Booking Required
9 am – 11 pm
Booking Required
11 am – 11 pm
Booking Required
10 pm – 11 pm
Booking Required
Gym Closed – SCBC Competition
Feb 24 | Closed
Feb 25 | Closed
Start climbing faster! Fill out your waiver form online
Waiver Now
Participants under 19 years of age must have Parent or Legal Guardian Initial & Sign.
Incomplete or incorrect waivers cannot be accepted so please be diligent when completing.
Please choose the relevant option(s) below to complete your documents.
Welcome to The Hive Heights
38 Top Rope anchors
19 of those are lead-friendly anchors*
6 auto-belays
70+ routes graded 5.6 and up
Small bouldering cave upstairs with a spray wall.
Lead climbing may be unavailable or limited during peak hours. A booking is required to climb at any time.
Hive Heights price list
Rates effective Jan 2, 2025.
Day Use & New Visitors
Orientation & Belay Test(s) FREE
Ages 13+ may take the belay test; you must pass the relevant test to belay in the facility.
Day Pass (ages 18+) 29.85
Youth 5 and under 18.05
Includes shoes & harness
Youth 6-17 23
Inclused shoes & harness
10 Punch Pass 268
Valid at all Hive locations. No expiry Date.
Rental Equipment
Shoes 6.75
Harness 6.75
Rental Package 10.50
Shoes, Belay device, & Harness
Youth Rentals FREE
Belay Device & Ohm Loans 3*
*Single-session loan, must return before leaving the gym; limited supply available
Prepaid Memberships
Annual – The Heights 1105
Single gym membership includes 2 punch passes and 4 'New Hiver' Guest Passes per month
Annual Ultimate 1600
Includes all BC Hive Climbing locations, 2 punch passes at time of purchase and a monthly Guest Pass for new Hivers
1 Month – The Heights 145
Single gym membership
1 Month Ultimate 199
Includes all BC Hive Climbing locations
Prepaid Family Rates
15% off your prepaid memberships for 1-2 parents/guardians & your kid(s)
*The Family rate does not cover extended family members such as uncles, aunts, cousins, etc unless they are a primary caregiver living at the same address
Youth Prepaid Memberships
Youth 1 Month (ages 5 & under) 55
Includes rentals.
Youth 1 Month (ages 6-17) 89
Includes rentals.
Youth Annual (ages 6-17) 525
Includes rentals.
Youth Annual (ages 5 & under) 289
Includes rentals.
EFT – Ongoing Monthly Membership
Initiation Fee 99
One payment at time of sign-up
The Heights 115/mo
Single gym membership
Ultimate (Multi-Gym) 160/mo
Includes all BC Hive Climbing locations
EFT Membership Fine Print
This payment option is a monthly electronic funds transfer requiring a valid credit card. NSF fees apply if monthly payment unable to be processed due to insufficient funds or expired card – please keep your account up to date.
Student Memberships
Heights Only Student Term 399
4-month Heights Membership
Available Jan 1-31, May 1-31, Sept 1-30; pricing not prorated.
Ultimate Student Term 525
4-month Membership: includes ALL BC locations.
Available Jan 1-31, May 1-31, Sept 1-30; pricing not prorated.
the fine print
Bouldering Members
Bouldering Memberships have access to bouldering-only locations: Vancouver, Surrey, PoCo, and North Shore gyms. A reduced Member rate to climb at Hive Heights is available by selecting ‘Needs Assistance at Front Desk’ type when booking and then pay at the front desk at the time of check-in. Belay test/Lead test required to belay/ lead (respectively); Heights’ roof, Heights’ rules.
Ultimate Access
Includes access to all BC bouldering locations in addition to the Heights.
- All Youth Prepaid memberships include rentals.
Ongoing Monthly (EFT) Membership
- All EFT Memberships are subject to payment of the initiation fee and a prorated payment for the remainder of the current month.
- EFT – Electronic Funds Transfer
Student Memberships
- Student Rates apply to all adult memberships – 10% off with proof of current enrollment.
- Our Student Term Membership is a 4 month term, available for purchase at the beginning of each term. Available only during the first month of each term: September 1-30 (Sept-Dec Term) January 1-31 (Jan-Apr Term) and May 1-31 (May-Aug Term). Prices are not prorated, so get it on the 1st to maximize climb time.
Family rates
- “Family” here means single, married, or common-law parents or legal guardians and minimum of one dependent child. The Family rate does not cover extended family members such as uncles, aunts, cousins, etc unless they are a primary caregiver living at the same address. Please note the parent or legal guardian of a minor must sign their Youth AOR (Assumption Of Risk & Informed Consent)
- 15% off Total Prepaid Membership Costs for Combined Family Members, 10% off EFT Payment Rates for each Family Member.
- Discount does not apply to Initiation Fee for Ongoing Monthly Memberships.
BCMC Members
Available at The Hive Vancouver, The Hive North Shore, The Hive Surrey, The Hive Poco, and The Hive Heights: BCMC members purchasing a one-month pre-paid membership or signing up for an Ongoing Monthly Membership (EFT) get one bonus punch pass to bring a friend; BCMC members purchasing a pre-paid annual membership get two extra weeks to be added at the time of purchase on their Hive account. Proof of valid membership required at time of purchase. Offer good through December 31, 2023.
All prices are subject to GST. Rentals are subject to GST and PST.
10-Punch pass has no expiry and can be used for all facility offerings at that location (climbing, studio, fitness).
*** To cancel an EFT Membership, please email the management at your home location (below). Written notice must be received minimum 24 hours prior to billing date (1st of each month).
Email Vancouver | North Shore | Surrey | PoCo | Heights | Winnipeg
climbing COURSES
Whether you’re brand new or just looking for a bit of a boost, courses are the best spot to start! See what’s on offer and sign up for the next session by clicking the button below.
know before you go
Climbing involves inherent risks. Read our rules and know the main hazards of the gym before you decide to climb with us. See the waiver for a more detailed list of the risks, and view rules and hazards posters using the buttons below.
Want to climb and belay on Top Rope? Check out more info using the button below.
Lead Test
In order to Lead or Lead Belay in the gym, you must pass a Lead Test. These tests have pre-requisites and availability may be limited during peak hours. Follow the buttons below for more important information prior to testing. Testing and outcomes are provided at the staff’s discretion in accordance with Heights safety rules and best practices. Please be respectful.
The Hive Heights FAQ
Yes. All visitors/guests/members need to book a climbing session; you can do that further down this page, or through the ‘RGPro Connect’ App.
If you’re going to belay another climber, you must pass a belay test with qualified Hive staff. You will need a partner to test with, they may already have passed the test, or you can both be testing together. For safety and liability reasons, these tests are Pass/Fail, at the sole discretion of staff performing the check.
If you’re only using the auto-belays, please see desk staff for orientation to this equipment.
Human error is the number one cause of injury in climbing, and these safety measures are mandatory.
Yes you can! You must either pass a belay test or take an intro to climbing course to learn how to handle the added risks of roped climbing, and the basics of belaying.
When you belay a climber, you hold your life in their hands and we take that seriously. Unfortunately, non-staff are not permitted to teach new belayers in our facility.
If your partner has not successfully completed and passed their belay test at Hive Heights, you will be responsible for double checking their knot and your belay system. Your partner may tie their own knot if they know how, but may not belay until they have passed their test at Hive Heights.
In other words yes—if you have passed a belay test at Hive Heights, you can belay your uncertified partner to climb, and you will be responsible for all safety checks. They may not belay anyone.
Unfortunately not. To get a true idea of your belaying ability, staff need to see you belay another individual in a real climbing setting. Belay tests can be performed with any individual aged 13 years or older.
Staff do not provide refreshers on belay technique. The belay test is a proficiency test, and as such, climbers are expected to be proficient upon arrival. If staff have to provide some coaching during the belay test, you may still be allowed to belay in the gym for the session (with limitations), and be required to retest upon your next visit. These limitations include but are not limited to: not belaying individuals younger than 13; not belaying individuals who have not passed a belay test.
When belaying another individual you are holding their life in your hands. Hive Heights staff are trained to check technique and competency, and have the final say regarding the outcome of belay tests. Once passed, you are still responsible for practicing proper technique and doing partner safety checks each time you or a partner climb.
No, unfortunately belay instruction in the gym is prohibited except by certified Hive Instructors. We recommend a belay course (at any climbing gym or from another experienced educator) to anyone who doesn’t have confidence and competence with their belay skills. It’s exceptionally important to the wellbeing of your climber that you can belay properly.
Belay tests can only be performed once per day. If you did not pass the belay test, you are welcome to use the auto belays during your visit, and take another test during your next session!
Youth ages 0-8 need an adult supervisor within arms reach at all times. Depending on the age of the child, the supervisor may be able to climb beside the child on auto belays.
Youth ages 9 – 12 need an adult supervisor on the mats, with a clear line of sight to their child. Supervisors must visually check the setup before each climb. A supervisor may climb beside children on auto belays.
Youth aged 13 and older can take the top rope belay test or use the auto belays and climb unsupervised. After the first booking, youth over 13 may book in for their session as adults.
Youth aged 15 and older are eligible to take the lead belay test, provided they have passed a top rope belay test.
Youth Bookings (0-15 years) must be made over the phone. Call us on 604 874-2400 to book your session.
NOTE: The ratio of supervisors to children changes depending on the age of the children. Please call the gym at the number above for further clarification of youth supervision ratios.
Nope! Just book your session to climb and request a belay test at the front desk upon arrival!
Lead belay tests are free, and do not have to be booked. Lead belay tests are not guaranteed, and are subject to a few factors including but not limited to: staff availability, gym capacity, performance in a top rope belay test. Lead tests may only be performed with either: two individuals taking the lead test, or one individual taking the test and one who has already passed a lead test.
For the highest likelihood of a lead test being able to be run, try to visit the gym during non-peak hours (9am-4pm & 9pm-11pm on weekdays, 4pm-10pm on weekends). Calling the gym beforehand to ensure a lead test can be run is advisable.
Yes! Hive Heights has 6 auto belays and a spray wall bouldering area upstairs. A spray wall is a densely packed wall with no marked routes. Routes are set on the spray wall by setters and community members through the “Stokt” app.
An auto belay is an automatic belay device that takes in your slack as you climb up and automatically lowers you when you let go of the wall. The auto belays are a great option if you are climbing in the gym without a belay partner. Hive Heights has 6 auto-belay routes. Use of autobelays is not generally appropriate for youth aged 0-3.
Yes! Punches can be used at any of our facilities. These punches never expire, and can also be shared/transferred to friends and family!
The Heights
booking Calendar
Book your course or kids’ programs via the calendar below or just see what’s running!
Questions? Drop us a line or call 604 874 2400 to speak to someone at the front desk.
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