van  bouldering  &  Heights  locations require a booking to climb

Recreational Programs

Youth recreational programs

Fun, fitness, and learning!

The Hive offers a variety of programs to suit all ages. Young climbers will not only have fun exploring the fundamentals of climbing movement and athleticism, but also be guided to set meaningful goals, deal with success and failure, and discover the value of commitment and perseverance. All programs emphasize risk management, respect, climbing etiquette and a supportive group dynamic.

Yes, programs include COVID-19 precautions
and may be altered for safety reasons

MINIS (4-5)

An active-start program for kids 4-5 years, also offering opportunities to connect with your kids…

Mini Bees is an instructor-lead program with a variety of activities including facilitated climbing, on-the wall activities, and group initiatives, while parents learn how to effectively support their children in the climbing environment.

Juniors (6-8)

Kids will build confidence and strength through fun and engaging climbing activities…

The Junior Bees program aims to foster a passion for climbing and a love of movement and physical activity through the exploration of bouldering. Appropriate for new or returning participants.

INTERS (9-12)

Learn new techniques, set goals and explore challenges in a fun and cooperative environment.

The Inter Bees develop their climbing technique and explore goal-setting in a fun and cooperative environment. New and intermediate climbers will be challenged at their unique climbing level.


Have fun, make friends, learn new skills and reach new heights in a all-female-identifying group setting.

Queen Bees will develop your fundamental climbing technique and you’ll learn how to push your limits in a friendly and supportive environment. Intermediate climbers will find individual challenges in a collaborative group setting focused on trying hard, having fun, and being yourself! Open to returning Youth Rec participants.

Teens (13-16)

Your home base to explore climbing, have fun and challenge limitations…

Teens is a balanced program for learning and improving, while climbing and socializing. Focuses include solid foundational climbing skills as well as problem-solving, trust, teamwork and gym etiquette.

Climbing Forward (15-18)

Develop your existing climbing skills and begin to work on introductory conditioning and training for climbing. Climbers in this class will learn how to apply more advanced techniques on steeper and more challenging walls, and will work on their own individual projecting and climbing goals.

Please note: to join this class you must have taken at least one term of Teens 1, or have equivalent climbing experience from a different gym.

Currently only available at Hive Vancouver

Hornets (10-16)

The next step, beyond Rec:

Bridging the gap between Youth Recreational programs and the Competitive team, Hornets is a program for youth ages 10-16 with a strong drive to improve their climbing amongst like-minded peers with support from enthusiastic, experienced coaches.

Home Learners

Experiential learning, fitness, socializing & fun!
This 8-week rock climbing course is designed for the home learners. Young climbers will explore the fundamentals of climbing movement and athleticism together, while also being guided to set meaningful goals, manage success and failure, and discover the value of commitment and perseverance.
Overall program goals include having fun, ample climbing practice, developing climbing skills, and building personal and social confidence through challenge and success.


Uniquement disponible chez Hive Winnipeg; intéressé en Colombie-Britannique? Nous contacter.

(Currently only available at Hive Winnipeg; interested in BC? Contact Us.)


Les Junior Bees (de 6 à 8 ans) développeront leur confiance et leur force grâce à des activités d’escalade amusantes et engageantes…


Le programme Junior Bees vise à favoriser une passion pour l’escalade et un amour du mouvement et de l’activité physique à travers l’exploration du bloc.


Apprenez de nouvelles techniques, fixez des objectifs et explorez les défis dans un environnement amusant et coopératif.

Les Inter Bees (de 9 à 12 ans) développent leur technique d’escalade et explorent l’établissement d’objectifs dans un environnement amusant et coopératif. Les grimpeurs débutants et intermédiaires seront mis au défi à leur niveau d’escalade unique.

Bold Beta Bees – Winnipeg

Have fun, make friends, learn new skills and reach new heights in a bouldering program for youth of marginalised genders including female identifying, trans, and non-binary individuals.

Bold Beta Bees will develop their fundamental climbing technique and learn how to push their limits in a friendly and supportive environment. Climbers will find individual challenges in a collaborative group setting focused on trying hard, having fun, and being yourself! Please email for more information.


Scoli Climbing club

The Scoli Climbing Club aims to develop a community that empowers individuals with scoliosis to be active and learn how to take care of their bodies as they move through life.

Climbing provides symmetrical strengthening of the whole body, increasing core activation and shoulder girdle stabilization.

While learning experience-appropriate climbing techniques, participants will have an opportunity to connect with others on the same journey in an active, fun setting. Call us at 604 498 5460 or click the button below for details.


Looking for funding for youth programs or camps?

KidSport BC 

KidSport provides grants of up to $400 per eligible child, for a full year (January 1st—December 31st) towards program registration fees (with the exception of  The Hive youth summer camps).  

Eligibility criteria

  • Children ages 18 and under are eligible to apply 
  • Only one application per calendar year, per child, may be submitted
  • Applications must be received prior to or at the beginning of the requested  program season 
  • Programs should be a minimum of 6 weeks with at least one session per week. 


Information to fill out the application

  • All gym location addresses and telephone numbers can be found at the  bottom of our website 
  • The Club/League/School Name is the gym name + youth recreational team  name, e.g. “The Hive Surrey Inters” or just A.S.C.E.N.D. 
  • Use your gym’s Education Coordinator email address for the Sport Organization’s email (listed above) 

Contact KidSport for more information or apply now: 

Another option is Athletics 4 Kids
An AK4 grant subsidizes climbing registration fees, up to $450 for a 12-month  period.

Eligibility criteria

  • Children between 5–18 years-old are eligible to apply 
  • Child must be a resident of British Columbia 
  • Annual net taxable family income must be less than $45,000  (according to your previous year’s Notice of Assessment (NOA) OR recent Child Tax Benefit  Statement OR proof that the child is in foster care) 
  • Child must be registered with an account at any of The Hive locations prior to  applying for the grant (“proof of registration with a sports organization”)
  • For the A.S.C.E.N.D. Program, your child must register for a minimum of two  sessions to be eligible to receive the funding 
  • Please note, climbing is confirmed as an ‘A4K approved sport’


Information to fill out the application

  • Translators are available to help complete the application 
  • A paper version of the application is available 
  • Use the email address of the Education Coordinator at your local Hive gym (listed above) for the Sport Organization’s email 

Contact A4K for more information or apply now: 

Another option is Jumpstart

The Jumpstart grants subsidize youth climbing program fees, up to $600 ($300  per application) for a 12-month period. 

Eligibility criteria

  • Children ages 4–18 years-old are eligible to apply 
  • Income eligibility determined by number of family members in a household (View Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICO) chart) 
  • Programs should be a minimum of 5 weeks in duration and include at least one session per week 
  • In the case of sports camps, the program must last at least five consecutive days for consideration.


Information to fill out the application

  • All gym location addresses and telephone numbers can be found at the bottom of our website 
  • Contact the Education Coordinator at your local Hive gym (emails listed above) for all information pertaining to the ‘Sport Organization’ on the form, including  contact and payment information
Contact Jumpstart for more information or apply now: 
Another option is iSPARC-RISE

The RISE Individual Grant supports children and youth who are currently or were  formerly in Care (BC foster care programs), who wish to participate in a climbing  program. Grants of up to $1,000 per individual per calendar year are offered to  pay for program fees. 

Eligibility criteria

  • Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and youth are eligible to apply
  • Must currently be living in British Columbia 
  • Must be under 27 years of age 
  • Is or was formerly enrolled in a BC Children and Youth in Care program.


Information to fill out the application

  • Contact the Education Coordinator at your local Hive gym (emails listed above) for all information pertaining to the ‘Sport Organization’ on the form, including  contact and payment information

Contact iSPARC for more information. Apply early in the year when applications open. 




North Shore









Registration dates, updates on program offerings, and community events

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