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Instructor Highlight: Miles McGehee

Instructor Highlight: Miles McGehee

Climbing. Community. Health and Wellness. Education.

These are the 4 pillars that define the Hive, and help us make decisions and it’s what we always return to.

Our education team works so hard to bring the five-star experience by providing you with tools to take your climbing to the next level. As we begin our courses again, we wanted to shine a little light on the instructors that really give our courses something special. Get ready to learn more about your favourite and future Hive instructors, starting with Miles!

Miles came to us last year from Nova Scotia and wowed us with his experience and expertise in coaching. He quickly became a staple part of our community here at Surrey and we feel so lucky to have him in our team. Read on to learn more about him and his climbing history!

What’s one thing you wish you knew before you started climbing?

How much climbing can suck you in and nearly take over your life.

What’s your favourite climbing area?

Thoughtful Spot in Terence Bay, Nova Scotia.

How long have you been climbing?

Since 2011.

What do you love most about climbing?

The problem solving and how to contort your body to get to the top.

What’s your favourite route/problem and why?

Old Soul (V9/10) in Thoughtful Spot. It has a very technical start, to an arête and finished on big moves on small crimps.

What courses are you teaching at the Hive?

Intro to Bouldering, Fundamentals of Bouldering, and Climb Smart.

Miles will be teaching the next round of courses starting soon at Surrey! Sign up by heading to the courses section on the website.
